I’m Addison Rae's Net Worth , and I’ve been TikTok-ing for about 3 years. My videos have a net worth of $4 million. I stay up to date with the hottest trends in fashion like my fave top knot bun or fall nail polish colors. I also share tips on how to stay organized, what healthy foods to eat, and how to make the perfect dinner within minutes. It all started after I was reading one of my favorite blogs and saw an ad on TikTok that said they were looking for girls who wanted to share their lifestyle on social media. A new world opened up to me! Introduction I’ve been TikTok-ing for about 3 years. How did Addison Rae find fame? It all started after I was reading one of my favorite blogs and saw an ad on TikTok that said they were looking for girls who wanted to share their lifestyle on social media. A new world opened up to me! I applied and they accepted me into their program. The first thing I did was research how other influencers were doing it and then I would get started. ...